Pain is part of the body’s way of telling us that something is wrong, just as is hunger, dizziness, and loneliness too.

You *can* fill the void with various means. But resorting to therapy sounds like admitting defeat even if you don’t want to say it. a desire for love and connectedness is fundamental to being human, and there is nothing wrong with seeking it

He’s out there! Just not in a therapists office

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To be human is to live in an ever-changing flow of emotions, and sometimes we need help to learn how to deal with those emotions. That's nothing to be ashamed of. You won't find your soulmate in a therapist office (that would be weird, not to mention unethical), but therapy can help you develop mental flexibility and emotional resilience, which in turn can help you be happier overall (although no guarantees). Seeking therapy isn't admitting defeat because being single isn't a defeat, and being partner isn't a win. Your relationship status is part of your life, it doesn't define your life.

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Much easier advice given to women than to men, the former are provably much more emotionally resilient, capable and interested in living single. For me & other dudes, our all-cause mortality skyrockets when we're unpartnered. Always upsetting to see this sentiment because women don't seem to really understand that "being happy single" is kind of a privileged position to have and it is not universal.

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Hi Stefan. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. When you say that being happy is "kind of a privileged postion," I sense there's more behind it than gender or relationship status. It brings me back to a time I struggled with happiness myself, a time when I'd see happy people around me and wonder why destiny was so kind to them but not to me. It took me a while to discover how I could find happiness, and until I did, it felt like a privilege I had been cut out from. If you're looking around and feeling like you're not meant to be happy, I can tell you it doesn't have to be this way. There are people who can help you. I hope you find them.

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